#11: How to get the best buy part 1, An idea I learned from Lincoln, and Apples response to Zune

Podcasts | Taylor Marek show

Summary: Back from vacation, <a href="http://taylormarek.com/2006/10/16/11-how-to-get-the-best-buy-part-1-an-idea-i-learned-from-lincoln-and-apples-response-to-zune/">episode #11</a> focuses on 7 of 15 ways to get the best buy, an idea learned from Lincoln on how to make friends, and what the CEO of Apple says about Zune.<br> <br> Looking forward to any questions, comments, or ideas that you may have. The toll-free number is 1-866-867-2860. Also looking forward to any reviews.<br> <br> As for toolbars, here are the links. For the TMP branded Alexa toolbar, go to <a href="http://download.alexa.com/?amzn_id=taylormarekpo-20">http://download.alexa.com/?amzn_id=taylormarekpo-20</a>. For the official Taylor Marek Podcast toolbar, go to <a href="http://taylormarekpodcast.media-toolbar.com/">http://taylormarekpodcast.media-toolbar.com/</a>.<br> <br> Sorry for the late announcement but....<br> <br> I'm attending the International Podcasting Expo!