YouTube App for iOS 6: Signing-In and Controlling Playback with VoiceOver

AppleVis Podcast show

Summary: In this podcast, Walei gives us a demonstration of how to perform some tasks on the new YouTube App for iOS 6. The two things that are demonstrated are how to sign in and how to control playback without leaving the app. Below are some written instructions from Walei to clarify the process you hear demonstrated: 1. Signing in: To Sign in, find the guide button which is on the top left corner of the main screen when the app is launched. Then the sign in button will be on the top near the right corner. If you double-tap on it, the app will ask you for your account and password. 2. Pause/Play: When playing a video you can get the play/pause button to appear by double-tapping on the add channels button. It is located on the top third of the screen. Note: you might have to find it by exploring instead of swiping right. Once you double-tap on add channels, you can swipe right to get to the play/pause button. double-tap on it and it will pause or play. Sometimes it doesn't activate the first time you double-tap, so you might need to double-tap again. Note: For some reason, on the iPhone 4 I can't swipe right from the add channels button to the play button. I have to find the button by finding it with my finger. On the iPhone 5 however, I'm able to swipe right from the Add channels to play button with no problems. 3. Rewinding/Fast Forwarding: Exactly to the right of the play button is a control for rewinding and fast forwarding. VoiceOver announces that you can swipe up or down to adjust but that's a lie. You can swipe right from the play button and double-tap on the Adjustable control then you can double-tap and hold and swipe right or left to fast forward or rewind. This isn't the most convenient way to control playback on YouTube, but it's some kind of solution. The YouTube app is a free download from the iTunes App Store.