Solo Smarts #34: This Web We Weave

Solopreneur Podcast – Solopreneur Smarts show

Summary: There’s this marketer I’ve heard rumors about.  (Don’t ask me who, I won’t tell.)  Rumors say affiliate commissions are slow to be paid and there’s financial trouble under the surface. I’d never know it to follow this marketer on social media.  I see fun trips, costly outings, meals out – all on a regular basis. All signs point to a prosperous life! I shouldn’t listen to rumors and I shouldn’t judge based on just what I can see.   But I do – and so do most people. That has me thinking. Are we living a life that backs up our message?  Am I? Is the person everyone sees on social media lining up with the person we claim to be in our copy?  Sometimes, definitely not. It ought to.  Listen in, then leave your thoughts in the comment. October Highlights I’m running a month long membership drive at Solo Masterminds and if you’re a women in online business, I’d love for you to consider joining us there. My first Know Your Blog Stats Workshop is October 13th. My third Plan Your Offer Funnel Workshop is October 23-25th. Friend me on Facebook and give Solo Smarts a Like.