003 Revolution Fan Podcast – Chained Heat

Revolution Fan Podcast | audio podcast about the NBC TV Show "Revolution" show

Summary: In this episode of Revolution Fan Podcast, Tom, Jenn, Shelley and Stephen talk about Revolution season 1, episode 2, Chained Heat. We also read and play feedback from our last episode. Topics we covered were: whether Charlie is annoying guns versus swords in this environment, and the Baltimore Act the excellent editing in this episode Rachel's situation with General Monroe the walking times over the distances between the Illinois cities are there 2 groups (Militia, Rebels) or 3 separate groups (Militia, Rebels and "device" owners) a discussion of Randall - named after Randall Flagg? the things on Grace's computer screen, including Rachel, Grace, and Randall's names Nora with the rebels and Miles with the Republic Maggie, and whether she's not exactly what we've seen technology that could work without electricity that we have not seen yet: steam engines, diesel engines, water wheels past and future episode names ("Chained Heat" "No Quarter" "Plague Dogs" and "Soul Train") We talked about Twitter feedback from Jeremy Krall, Marni Case, Trevor John. We played and talked about a voicemail from Audrey from Texas. We talked about the Revolution / Star Wars analogy. We talk about a Twitter conversation with Chris Chambers. We read and talked about an email from Bill Bailey, about whether Aaron will power Charlie's iPod or Maggie's iPhone. We read and talked about the comments from Nasty Butler and Kyle from our episode 2. We thanked GSM Revolution Podcast for plugging our podcast and site on their Pilot discussion episode. We thank those that have re-tweeted us on Podcast, including Maria Howell and many others. Starting next week we'll be recording on Tuesdays and will be able to publish our podcast earlier in the week. If you want to help us, when you shop at Amazon.com, start by clicking on our affiliate link. You will pay your normal amount but they will pay us a commission. Our YouTube channel is www.youtube.com/RevolutionFanPodcast. We will start to publish our entire episodes there, in case you prefer subscribing there. If you are not exactly sure what a podcast is, and how to consume podcast content in an easier way, please see our What is a podcast? page. We'd love your feedback. Please comment in the comment section below, or  email to revolutionfanpodcast@gmail.com You can also leave a voicemail at: (234) 738-3265 (234) REV-FAN5 Follow us on Twitter: @RevFanPodcast You can play the song using the play button at the top of the post, or right-click on the “Download” link to save it to your computer.