Vidcast Special, “The Otakon Panel”

The One Piece Vidcast show

Summary: On this Vidcast Special we are LIVE from Otakon to discuss a myriad of your favorite One Piece topics. We are joined by (left to right) The Dude, Jason “EvilGamerX,” Steve Yurko, Zach Logan, and Ed. We split the panel up between the spoiler-free: Introduction, News, Podnami Promos, and Pieces of Eight. We did a little trivia and then played through Opening 13 before getting into the spoilery stuff: a Manga Recap of Chapter 594, Q&amp;A, and finished off the trivia.<br> This file clocks in at over 400MB and is just under an hour, so be aware. Only a minute or two is cut off the end because our camera ran out of memory.<br> Thanks to all those who attended our panel! It really was the highlight of our convention! We had around 550 people in attendance and it was a freaking blast! We hope to see all of you at NYAF, Anime USA, and Katsucon in the coming months!<br> We are Maji!<br>