Swami BAP | 094 | Euromegalomania

The BapCast Network show

Summary: It is a great illusion of the European people to think that they are the top race of the planet. They had some development in technology after the Renaissance. The industrial society gradually expanded in Europe. And Europeans started to colonise other countries. Ships, weapons and big idol worshippers. These people were really influenced by the whole idea that sense-gratification reigns supreme. So when the colonialism started, then slavery, enslaving entire countries became very popular. Asia, Africa, America. they went there and they made everybody their property. And what did they tell everybody? They said: We came here to save you. This so called saving implied that they wanted to make them submit to their idol worship. To their crown worship. Monarchy at that time was very strong. You had to bow to the crown of England, the crown of Spain, etc. So they told everybody that know you are under the crown of this place and that place. And if you are not accepting, we will kill you. Where they went people had very beautiful cultures, specifically in South America and India, such highly developed cultures. The europeans in order to maintain their supremacy, they followed this idea of devastating everything else. Meaning burning and killing everything they could get their hands on. They attempted to destroy Indian culture as well. But in India they had a big problem in the beginning. In India there was no religious organisation to destroy. In India religion was part of everybody's family. Part of every village and every town. It was the treasure of the heart of a yogi. And the books and the temples were very important but spirituality was independent from the books and the temples. How many temples were being destroyed in India? Besides Christianity and the Euromegalomania, there was also competition, and that was with the Muslimmegalomania. There is no count of how many temples were destroyed by Muslims. And not only temples, cities as well, entire historic elements of this world have been destroyed in this way.