LOTRO Reporter Episode 155 – Soundtracks of Rohan

LOTRO Reporter Podcast show

Summary: Layanor, Chris, and Cari discuss the Riders of Rohan soundtrack, living in Canada or not, and their history with video games. Listen now: What We Did This Week Layanor - I got to play beta for 10 minutes. I got to confirm that you do NOT get experience for your War-steed outside of Rohan. They also do not get exp in skirmishes or raids. After that I formatted my computer so Rohan will be nice and smooth at launch. I watched my install bar for hours. I loaded up a screenshot from the game as my wallpaper so I would not feel too much LOTRO withdrawal. Then I got really bored. So I... MOVED TO CANADA!!! Cari - I did not move to Canada. I live close enough already. I did some Harvestmath Festival quests, two of my characters have their new festival horse, and attended Ales and Tales. I placed in a horse and rider fashion contest. With my fantastic ensemble. More about that in Community news. I bought the Riders of Rohan soundtrack from ITunes. Chris - Epic story continues in the Great River region. Just a few more books! News Goodie bags expire soon! Turn in your goodie bag codes by the 15th or they expire! Rohan Soundtrack on ITunes! It comes out on Oct 9th Sounds of Rohan Video came out at the same time as the sountrack. http://www.youtube.com/embed/_NNlmNiluPQ?rel=0 Chris' Visit with Turbine Recap Asked about the delay, and Turbine’s thoughts on the implied “Contractual Obligation” that pre-order gave to players. Asked about mounted skirmishes: “Maybe later” Asked about the XP Disabler, which we talked about last week. - Post today says this won't be available at launch Looked at different areas around Rohan. The video of the visit will be uploaded soon. Did You Know Skirmish Raids Skirmish raids *or scraids* will be very important in Riders of Rohan. Just like the last expansion, they give the best jewelry in that game, some updated gear, and a chance to get a new token for a second age item. As far as I know, all the gear from level 75 skraids will be upgraded to level 85. This means you will have to get all the gear all over again. To help with this, I am posting a gear guide in the show notes that covers gear from scraids and Helegrod at level 75. This list will help you find the scraid you need to earn the item again. http://www.rangersoferiador.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=668 Also for whatever reason, Turbine still will not list the scraids in your raid checker. So if you did a scraid and forgot that you have already done it, you will get no warning until the end when you are locked out of the loot. For that reason, I am recommending a plugin that I posted in the show notes to keep track of them. . http://www.lotrointerface.com/downloads/info630-SkirmishRaidTracker.html This is basically a manual skraid tracker. You open it up, check off the skraid, and close it. It will save you lots of paper every week! Just make sure to click the “reset all” button every Thursday at 3pm eastern (server time). That's when all the skraids reset. And that was did yah knows! Community Community Update October 8, 2012 Nothing much in this video that has not been said other than the Rohan Soundtrack will be on sale on ITunes. Sapience describes the war room. 15 computers 3 Projection tv screens Community managers Customer service reps Engineers Developers They will all be in the war room called *The Ettenmoors* for launch. Ready to break down any bad situations and help with and concerns players have. Quadrille Dressage Demonstration Windy Acres Ranch put on a Quadrille Dressage Demonstration at Monday nights Ales and Tales http://windyacres.mymiddleearth.com/?p=2832#more-2832 They were in almost perfect formation while riding. Something unique to Middle-Earth. Windy Acres Ranch also hosts horse races often. http://windyacres.mymiddleearth.com/?page_id=2 Warsteeds.com Update Warsteeds.