The Top of the Heap

Think on These Things show

Summary: Alfred E. Smith said, "Without the help of thousands of others, any one of us would die, naked and starved. Consider the bread upon our table, the clothes upon our backs, the luxuries that make life pleasant; how many men worked in sunlit fields, in dark mines, in the fierce heat of molten metal, and among the looms and wheels of countless factories, in order to create them for our use and enjoyment." Francis Rodman said, "you may be on top of the heap--but remember you're still part of it." The Apostle Paul said, "What do you possess that has not been given to you, and why boast of it as if it were something you had achieved yourself?" I Cor. 4:7 America is the greatest Nation in the world. For over two hundred years we have held the light of freedom for all people. But we did not achieve it by ourselves. We did it with the help of Almighty God. Let us not forget to take God with us as we live our lives! God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son. We will be wise to follow Him. Paul Graham