Ep. 77 – Clapping with PornTime

The Widget: Games, Tech, Whatever show

Summary: Like you needed another reason to wank while holding your iPhone. Coming up: Jailbreaking is legal, not that we cared anyway... y'know, while I've got you here; aren't you sick of the term "Jailbreak"? I mean, it was an iPhone thing at first, but now the fucking tards of the world use it to describe everything. Phrases like "Oh man, did you see my new Nokia? I Jailbroke it so I could make it suck less." and "I think I'm going to Jailbreak my Tivo this weekend."... ENOUGH with this shit! I liked it better when consumers were blissfully ignorant. You know: back when knowing where the command line in Windows 95 was enough for them to view you as a god. Now everyone seems to know just enough buzzwords to try and act smart, while those of us in the know shake our heads in disgust... anyway, there's a bunch of other news, and emails and stuff too. Have fun.