D P BuZZ - October 11, 2012

Digital Production BuZZ (AAC) show

Summary: <p> Join Larry Jordan and Michael Horton as they talk with:</p> <p> Patrick Longman, President, Active Camera Systems</p> <p> Patrick Longman is President of Active Camera Systems, an aerial cinematography and rental company based in Florida. He recently discovered that he could mount the Sound Devices PIX 240 recorder directly on the helicopter’s console and voila.. a great solution for aerial shoots. He joins us this week to explain how his system works.</p> <p> Jessica Sitomer, President, The Greenlight Coach</p> <p> Work is stressful enough, but how do you cope when the stress is coming from outside events, beyond your control? Jessica Sitomer, President of The Greenlight Coach, joins us this week to discuss managing stress and coping with outside pressures on your company.</p> <p> Andy Sheldon, Director of Marketing, Class on Demand</p> <p> Andy Sheldon, Director of Marketing at Class on Demand recently told us about a new partnership between Class on Demand and Amazon. Their goal is to make online learning more and more popular, so we thought we’d ask him a few questions about the new partnership and where Class on Demand is heading for the future.</p> <p> Mark Ditmanson, Owner, FloLight</p> <p> For the last several months, LitePanels has been embroiled in litigation over the patents it holds covering several aspects of LED lighting. Recently, we received an email from a group called PatentFreeLED that makes some strong charges about the impact LitePanels’ patents will have on LED lighting and our industry. We invited Mark Ditmanson, the Owner of FloLight, to come on the show to discuss his side of this issue. (We also invited LitePanels, but, because the litigation is pending, they declined to join us.) </p>