Ravecast June 27th 2008 - To Conceive or Misconceive (Guest Rusty) PART 2

Online Gaming Radio show

Summary: Does that show title make anyone else think about creating a robot to assist in making babies with their own clone of the opposite sex? I thought so... see, I knew I was in good company. The release time for games can be pretty exciting or extremely disappointing... the good and the ugly, Leonai and Luxx talk about which games have had great and shiny releases and then how they followed up with after-market support; IE patches and whatnot(or if they freaking didn't for whatever reason.) Rusty from GuildWarsGuru.com joins the show this week for PART 2 and fills Leo & Luxx in on some of the basics of GuildWars and its release, because they're both basically total newbs at the game.