Episode 1 - Busters, Ready Go!

lowvisibility show

Summary: Welcome to Low Visibility, the podcast that fights convincingly despite being unable to see. This is a tokusatsu podcast that will examine shows both ongoing and classic. Your hosts are long-time tokusatsu fans (and nerdily married couple) Lynxara and MattComix, who've spent fifteen years watching and observing low-budget Japanese special effects entertainment. You may have heard us on other tokusatsu podcasts! If not, well, you can tune in here to listen to a couple of long-time fans chew the fat about henshin heroes, kaiju, and wire-fu. Episode 1 covers the first thirteen episodes of the thirty-sixth entry in Toei's Super Sentai franchise, Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters. This episode shouldn't contain spoilers for other series, subbed or otherwise, but may contain spoilers for the first course of Go-Busters. Make sure you're caught up before you listen! Incidentally, in some discussions with our sound editor, we figured out that the last Super Sentai series to put as much effort into its mecha sequences as Go-Busters was probably Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger.  Aside from making some creative early use of CG, Dekaranger would often try to shoot the main robot in sequences modeled after standard cop show action sequences. This lead to completely unique and delightful stuff like the robot standing with its back behind skyscrapers for cover. Toei, make more shows like that seriously. Send questions, feedback, and requests to lowvisibilitypodcast@gmail.com, or you can get in touch with us on Twitter at @lowvisibility. You can also catch up with us on tumblr at lowvisibilitypodcast.tumblr.com