Episode 9 - Agito Revisited

lowvisibility show

Summary: So after we did Episode 5, we got a lot of feedback via email and Twitter that was along the lines of, "Good show, but please talk more about the ending!!" So here you go. This double-sized episode covers the last four episodes of Kamen Rider Agito in detail, with analysis and argument. Obviously, this show is extremely spoiler-heavy if you haven't seen the ending of Agito yet! The show also talks about the endings of V3 and Kuuga in some detail, as well as the endings of the films Shaun of the Dead and Inception.  Consider yourselves warned, and listen at your peril. For those who are interested, here's the screencap showing the CAP translation vs. the corrected translation we discuss in the episode. (Spoilers abound, so click at your peril if you're not listening to the episode.) As it happens, our sound editor hasn't seen the ending of Agito yet, and instead walked me (Lynx) through the process of editing the episode myself. As such, the editing may be a bit clunkier than usual. I'll apologize in advance for any problems anyone might have. Next episode is going to be a little bit delayed, since the editing process for this one cut into our usual recording time. Next time we'll be covering Choujin Sentai Jetman, so we can further explore the glory days of Toshiki Inoue. Let us know if there's anything in particular you'd like to see  us talk about in that one!