Marathon Man Bill Caloviras

The Lancast show

Summary: Have you ever decided to try something completely new just from having a casual conversation? That's what happened to this week's guest, Bill Caloviras. Through conversation with a friend, he heard about the 2500th Anniversary  of the Athens Classic Marathon in Greece, where his family is from, and decided to participate. Having never run a marathon before, he knew he needed to educate himself on what it would take to prepare. Bill told us how, through forums on the web, he was able to connect with other runners and learn more about this challenging sport. He even conversed with Dana Carvey's brother! We also talked about Bill's hobby-turned-business, photography. He's always had a love for the arts and saw what could be accomplished with a camera as a child. He was inspired to buy his first camera two years ago and continues to enjoy capturing people and landscapes. He has started to take engagement and family shots and he is also a second shooter at weddings for photographer Keith Scotten of k*sco studios. He would even like to incorporate photography and video with his newest hobby, motocross. A man of many interests and talents, we were glad to have Bill Caloviras on the show. Support for this episode provided by Pennsylvania College of Art & Design. Theme music: Invisible Walls by Revolution Void Break music: An Other Side by Xenyka