Episode 38: Odds and Ends and a PAASL of Trouble

The 2 Half-Squads: Advanced Squad Leader Podcast show

Summary: This episode includes our regular features plus some special odds and ends. There is also some discussion of the scenarios played. We review the Armored Force Field Manual from 1942 as well as Hampton Sides' Ghost Soldiers, a history report about Maurice Britt, and a mention of The Pritzker Military Library and it's podcasts. We finish with an insider's listen to one meeting of our local game club, the PAASL (Palatine Area Advanced Squad Leaders). You might be inspired to start your own club and get some rookies playing ASL. CHECK IT OUT! SHOW GUIDE 4:00 Listener Mail 28:00 Book Review 39:00 A discussion of telling ASL stories 52:00 History Report 59:00 PAASL "The Sounds of the Game" Total 1:25 Listen Now: Download this episode: Right-click here and select to save the file. LINKS Scenarios based on movies