Landing Strip Dorks - Dorktown #124

Dorktown Podcast show

Summary: Dorktown #124 is here and less drunk (which doesn't necessarily mean its sober). You can listen for these things and more!: Mikey may need to look into AA. Fresno closings and future drinking possibilities in The No. Indie podcasts are friendly to Dorktown (or pretend to be anyway).Crap stories...yep. Dorktown Hotline calls. More indie podcast loving.Music Break: Strange Vine "Sleepwalker" Or Game and ForItOrAgainit? are played (Listen for swinging penis!)Fonzy Eyys.Live call-in from a woman's "Landing Strip".Click the file to listen: DorktownLandingStrips124.mp3 Please go out and have a nice craft beer from our friends at Tioga Sequoia! Check out Dorktown's home, look for us on Stitcher, leave a kickass review on iTunes, like our Face and Tweet us... you know... if you have the time or whatever.