Training Toddlers with Guest: Efrain Figueroa | Part 5

Parenting On Purpose show

Summary: Pursuing A Plan In the next few weeks we are going to spend an entire series on creating a plan, for that reason we aren’t going to go into great detail today. However, there are a few things that are important to know about the plan process. The first thing to remember is that it is vital to have a plan for parenting. We discussed in our series on yelling that when you don’t have a plan for discipline it is easy to become the consequence. Secondly, it is important to make sure the plan in thoroughly communicated. This includes both spouses and the child involved. It is hard to be consistent with a plan if both parents aren’t on the same page. Which brings us to the final thing that is imperative to the plan, consistency. In order for a child to learn it is their behavior causing the consequences, the discipline must be consistent every time. Otherwise it is communicated that discipline is on the parent’s whim rather then connected to the child’s behavior. Remember to keep a lookout for our series on creating that plan! Listen to today’s podcast for more insight on the topic of toddlers.