September 28, 2012 Money Wise

Compass » Money Wise show

Summary: End of Life Planning - One day, we will all trade this world for our Heavenly home. Have you made the needed preparations to make life easier on those left behind? Howard Dayton and Steve Moore offer insight on this vital topic. Next, they answer calls and emails (800-525-7000 or about the following: What is the best way to address old overdue debts?  What is the interest rate that would make it worthwhile for us to refinance our mortgage?  We are preparing for a divorce. Should we avoid court and have an attorney draw up papers?  Is it okay to accept a state scholarship funded by the lottery?  What are your thoughts on investing in gold right now? My home is currently underwater. Is there a way to refinance my mortgage?  Be sure to check out the Compass website for a complete listing of helpful Compass Resources and radio archives. Thanks for your prayers and generous financial support which allow us to keep MoneyWise on the air!