October 4, 2012 Money Wise

Compass » Money Wise show

Summary: Financial Literacy - Howard Dayton and Steve Moore reveal the results of a recent survey of Americans regarding budgeting and money management. Howard Dayton and Steve Moore offer insight on this vital topic. Next, they answer calls and emails (800-525-7000 or MoneyWise@Compass1.org) about the following: Should we work toward buying a home or more aggressively attack debt while renting?  Would it be wise to take money out of my 403-b to pay for a debt? I am pastor of a small church and receive love offerings. How should I claim these on my taxes?  Should we reduce our 401k contribution to put money into a ROTH?  Be sure to check out the Compass website for a complete listing of helpful Compass Resources and radio archives. Thanks for your prayers and generous financial support which allow us to keep MoneyWise on the air!