Black Friday Special: Video Games!

Animation Aficionados show

Summary: Yep, it’s filler episode time, boys and girls! We’re here with our Black Friday special, and it’s only a day late! Kittyhawk sits down with Ben and I to talk about some vidji games. But WAIT! We are not alone on this intrepid journey, because joining us tonight is none other than Mike “The Birdman/Captain Awesome” Dodd of This Week In Geek! Pop some Nodoze, folks. This is gonna be a long one. Yes, we love video games so much that we allowed the show to go EPIC-LENGTH!!! This episode is about: Let’s play some Mary-Oh, eh? Only 40 hours until it starts getting good! Tales from the Game Stop Dick games Sega fanboys Neil doesn’t like Rare. Our favorite chip tune themes Neil responds to Chris Bores Saturn is the greatest system ever, and you suck if you think otherwise The guy who took Kittyhawk’s copy of Final Fantasy III is rightchere Don’t like the CDi Zeldas? Well exCUUUUUSE ME, Princess!