Natural Moms Podcast #109

Natural Moms Talk Radio » Podcast show

Summary: My guest this week is Shelly Kalnitsky of Cell Phone Radiation News Bureau and WaveShield. CPRN was created to educate people on the latest news concerning cell phones. Today we’re talking about cell phones and children. Children are at greatest risk from cell phone radiation because their brain tissues are still developing. Radiation goes deeper into their brain than adults because their skulls are thinner. And yet kids (especially teenagers) seem to live on the phone. Some common symptoms are headache, fatigue, insomnia, hearing difficulties, short term memory loss. There is a connection between cell phones and cancer, especially in areas right behind the ear and also the parotid (salivary glands). Switzerland, Sweden and England have implemented boundaries around the use of cell phones for their youngest citizens. Many people use cell phones far too much. Instead of using them selectively, for emergencies and such, people use cell phones to avoid simply planning ahead. Much cell phone use is disruptive instead of helpful. Shelly noted that cell phone users exhibit addictive behavior, constantly checking their phones and even leaving movie theatres to take calls. Shelly found a material that blocks 99% of radiation that is used to protect people who work in radioactive environments. He created a product called WaveShield that you can simply stick on your cell or cordless phone. The ear happens to have the highest absorption rate of radiation of any area in the body. A recent study from UCLA showed that pregnant women who use cell phones can increase their child’s risk of autism. A world reknowned neurosurgeon who concluded a 15 year study recently predicted that cell phones may cause more cancer than cigarettes. The website lists cell phone manufacturers’ product radiation levels. It would be smart to check their listings to buy a model with lower radiation levels the next time you purchase a phone. Headset phones that stay on your ear are especially dangerous. Reports have shown that a man’s fertility can be negatively affected when their phones are kept on their hip. Some people notice symptoms from their computer monitors as well, especially if they use a computer for several hours a day. Shelly comments that everyone who claims that cell phones are safe are either ignorant of the facts or getting a paycheck from the industry. photo credit: snappybex