10. The Four Keys – Pt.1

Makeshift Stories show

Summary: Maya, Adrian, and Tim arrive in a new world that Tim feels is vaguely familiar. Before they figure out where they are or how they got there, they are mistaken for fleeing labourers and chased by a disagreeable lord. A member of the Merchant Guild intervenes and helps them escape, only to deliver them back into harms way. Program Notes And Credits All background audio textures and sound effects were made in Acid Music Studio or Garage Band except as noted below. Sound FX and background textures from <a href="http://www.soundsnap.com">SoundSnap</a>. Additional sounds from <a href="http://www.freesound.org">Free Sound Project</a>. * Ending theme music By ERH (http://www.freesound.org/usersViewSingle.php?id=215874)