Truman | American Experience

American Experience | PBS show

Summary: After eighty-two days as Vice-President Harry Truman became the thirty-third President of the United States. Americans everywhere warmed to this seemingly simple, straightforward man from Missouri. With the nation at war, Truman would soon face one of the most momentous decisions of the 20th century. Voices: David McCullough, biographer Alonzo Hamby, biographer Patricia Hannegan, daughter of Democratic Party chairman Harry Byrd, senator Sam Rayburn (archival), Speaker of the House Harry Truman (archival), President Robert Jay Lifton, biographer Marshall D. Shulman, assistant to the Secretary of State Robert Donovan, journalist Rex Scouten, Secret Service Walter LaFeber, historian George Elsey, administrative assistant to the President Miles Neff, podcast narration Produced by: Ravi Jain Director of New Media: Maria Daniels American Experience is produced by WGBH Boston. Major funding for American Experience is provided by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. Major corporate funding is provided by Liberty Mutual. Additional funding is provided by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and by public television viewers.