Brassica nigra | Black Mustard | Mustard Packs (Blk)

Survival Plants Memory Course show

Summary: MNEMONIC EXPLAINED: A high school senior jock with a 4x4, monster pickup truck (the senior and monster truck tires represent taller or bigger; the 4 represents petals [the tires], the "x" represents the shape petals are in, the other 4 represents the "taller or bigger" stamen). He lays out some mustard packs (your first clue, while in the field, are yellow flowers in packs [clusters]) on the street. When a couple of freshman geeks (a brother and sister) walk by he drives over the packets to squirt the two (the word "freshman" represents shorter or smaller; there are two [brother and sister] short stamen and 4 tall [6 total]). They run upstairs (seedpods ascend the stem in a spiral staircase format) to the roof-deck where their father is sun tanning (again, referring to the yellow flowers at top of stems/stairs) and tells him what happened. The father runs downstairs and puts a leash on his blood hound dog in the back yard . They track down the senior jock by the strong mustard scent emanating from the street (reminds you that the leaves emit a mustard order when crushed) by the 4x4 truck tires. The father demands that the senior jock pay to have the clothes dry cleaned.