Capsella bursa-pastoris | Shepherd’s Purse | Fishtails

Survival Plants Memory Course show

Summary: MNEMONIC EXPLAINED: You're much smaller or the plant is much larger. Now, climb the spiral staircase (fruit are borne on long stalks that resemble a spiral staircase going up the main stem) in order to collect the fish (each flower is replaced with fruit that resemble a fish's tail) that's on each step (the long stalk). Once you get to the top, coat the fish with the white flour (flowers are white) you'll find there. You'll also find a white cross (the 4 flower petals are arranged in a cross formation) at the top, made out of eating spoons (each petal is spoon shaped). The white cross and the spoons remind you to say grace before you eat. Somehow (use your imagination) you fall from the top of the plant and one of the stem leaves hook you (stem leaves are pointed, they are erect, they point upward), like a fish, by the collar. While dangling there, you instinctively grab the main stem (stem leaves have no leafstalks; they clasp the main stem) out of fear and for stability. Rescuers push one of the bottom rosette leaves, while it's still in the ground, up towards you. It's lobes are pointed up or out to the side, so it's the best makeshift ladder available. If the lobes were pointed down (like the dandelion's rosette leaves) you would just slip off and fall further.