Cichorium intybus | Chicory | Glass Windmill

Survival Plants Memory Course show

Summary: MNEMONIC EXPLAINED: Looking up at a glass (the transparent blades appear to be the some color of the sky; usually sky blue but can also be purple, pink and white; like the sky) windmill (strap-shaped petals). It powers an underground refrigerator that's full of many glasses of milk. You detach the circular saw-like (petals have five fingered or toothed tip) windmill to cut through the stem that leads to the underground refrigerator (root contains milky sap). When the cut is made milk comes up through the stem (round and hollow like a straw), overflows (stem exudes milky sap when cut), runs down the stem and collects in cups along the stem (stem leaves have no stalks but clasp [attach directly to] the stem). You start to drink from one of the cups but stop because it has hairs, from the cow, inside and out ( leaves are covered with rough hairs on both upper and lower surfaces).