Helianthus tuberosus | Jerusalem Artichoke | Sun Hat

Survival Plants Memory Course show

Summary: MNEMONIC EXPLAINED: When you see a Sun Hat (like a sunflower but with a dome-like [space for your head] yellow, not flat brown, center disk; more like a complete/actual hat) put it on. Now look out at the view. You’re now on a sandy (texture of leaves and stems) beach! In front of you are 2 groups of people having a tug-of-war contest with a long thick rope (rhizomes root system). On the side that wins, all of the people fall backwards into the sand, one on top of the other, as usual; and the long thick rope falls lifeless to the ground (reenforces rhizomes root system). The anchor man, pulling at the end of the rope, of the winning team; jumps up and starts to celebrate the win by flexing his arm muscles, in alternating poses (upper leaves alternate along upper stem), right in front of you. Now picture this: He is tall (mature plant is 6 to 10 feet tall) and bristly or hair (describes leaves and stems). All he is wearing are leather (leaf texture) thong-like shorts to cover his privates (imagine early man with a single leaf covering this area in order to associate the thong with leaves). Plus, because of the fall backwards, all of his limbs and his thong-like shorts are covered with sand (reenforces texture of leaves and stems) from all of the sweat and tanning oil. You notice, what is typical, that his legs are skinny (plant stems are thin). He does not flex them. They remain still, opposite of one another (lower leaves are opposite along lower stem). He should just wrap a towel around his waist (lower leaves can whorl, in groups of 3, around lower stem) in order to cover those bird legs. Anyway, all of his upper body movement, from all of his alternating poses, has caused his feet to sink ankle deep into the sand (this is where you must picture his feet under the sand; his toes represent the edible tubers). This is another reason why his legs don’t move. To change the view you start to play fetch with your dog on the beach. Now, throw a partially deflated football (leaves can be football shaped). Your dog runs to retrieve it. He or She bites into the ball (the edges of all leaves have teeth) and brings it back to you. Your dogs bite was so powerful that the football was bitten in half (leaves can also be lance shaped).