Lactuca serriola | Prickly Lettuce | Broom

Survival Plants Memory Course show

Summary: MNEMONIC EXPLAINED: Grasp the broom with both hands (leaves clasp the stem). Now start sweeping around the edges (spikes grow around leaf edges), along the base boards, of your kitchen. What you are sweeping up are a trail of ants that are attracted to something. Keep sweeping around the edge in order to follow the ants’ trail. The ants’ trail diverges suddenly away from the edge of the kitchen and goes straight down the middle of it (spikes also grow along leaf stalk; midrib; underneath). The ants’ trail leads right to your kitchen table! Someone has left a half eaten sandwich (leaves bare “C" shaped edges, like someone had been taking bites out of them) and a glass of milk (the entire plant oozes a milky white sap when cut), which has spoiled, upon it. You proceed to pour the spoiled milk into the sink and throw the half eaten, ant covered, sandwich into the trash can. Then, of course, you open the door to take the trash out. As soon as you open the door a huge gust of wind starts blowing a variety (alternate) of leaves (leaves alternate on the stem) inside. You quickly set the trash bag just outside of the door then shut it again. Now you must sweep up the large variety of the leaves. This time, when you open the door to take the trash out, you are shocked to find a full grown lion (flowers are dandelion-like) at your door. It’s gotten into the trash bag you had just left outside and it’s now eating the rest of the half eaten sandwich. You startle the lion when it sees you and it turns white as a ghost (flowers are pale yellow but can appear to be white from a distance due to the wooly hairs [pappus] on each seed ofter the plant flowers). Then the lion stands up on it’s hind two legs and throws it’s front paws into the air like hands (stem leaves twist to point skyward); as if you were a police officer, then it backs away slowly. When the lion is gone you are finally able to take the trash out to the curb.