Lamium amplexicaule | Henbit | Skinned Rabbits

Survival Plants Memory Course show

Summary: MNEMONIC EXPLAINED: Rabbits (flowers bare rabbit features and profile; upper lip arched like a hood; lower lip pouch shaped; 2 small rabbit ear shaped lobes at top of pouch; hairless inside; hairy outside; topped with a thick head/hood of hair), after being skinned alive (flowers/rabbits are pink to purpleish [the color of veins in the skin]; they can also be white [the color usually associated with rabbits]) by a cruel person, all came together in order to keep a lookout for others who might do the same thing to their kittens after they hatch (wink, wink). They chose a plant with a build-in platform (upper stems bare 2 opposite leaves that form a collar around the stem) to place their eggs upon (leaf surface bares oval patterns, leaves can be oval in shape and they have rounded edges; like eggs). The platform allows for a 360° view (upper leaves, that are opposite of one another, form a roundish collar) and it also has a soft surface (leaf surface is hairy) so the eggs won’t break. The perfect watchtower (platforms or collars occur on upper stems only; lower stems bare opposite leaves that have stalks). Now, as you can see, they watch over their eggs by standing up on their hind legs (reminds you that the plant, not the flower, is 6 to 18 inches tall; about as tall as a standing rabbit) constantly on the lookout (flower/rabbit profiles appear to be looking out for something) for humans. As you approach them, because they are skinned, you can literally see their hearts jump out of their chest, out of fear, and it then falls to the platform (each leaf, that make up the platform, can be heart shaped; the blood of the heart, that falls to the platform/leaf, represent the tendency of leaves having red edges) . As you get closer, you watch them collect their hearts and eggs before dashing inside of a safe room or box to hide (stems are square and hollow).