Jim and Them #210 Part 1: Rage Against The Machine

Jim and Them show

Summary: Got a smartphone? Well download the Stitcher app and you can stream the newest Jim and Them episodes on the go! CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD JIM AND THEM #210 PART 1 RIGHT HERE! Occupy Wall Street: Just what is going down over with these fat cats on Wall Street. Someone needs to let Main Street know! Pop Culture: We try to make sense of this Wall Street debacle by comparing it to the things we know best. Gordon Ramsay and KMART: Ramsay has a new deal with KMART! Also Hell's Kitchen finale! LARRY DAVID!, CURB YOUR ENTHUSIASM!, STAR WARS!, GEORGE LUCAS!, BITS!, WHERE ARE WE GOING!?, HOW DO WE GET OUT OF THIS!?, SAD FACEBOOK!, SO HIGH!, EDIBLES!, SMILE CHECK!, #SMILECHECK!, OCCUPY WALL STREET!, OCCUPYWALLSTREET!, MAIN STREET!, WILSON FISK!, KINGPIN!, IGNORED BY THE MEDIA!, CNN!, STAR WARS!, TRADE FEDERATION!, JOKE CHARACTERS!, EWOKS!, RANCOR!, STUMBLEUPON!, WATTO!, MASS EFFECT 2!, APPLE!, URDNOT GRUNT!, TALI!, RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE!, GORDON RAMSAY!, K-MART!, HELL'S KITCHEN!, PAUL!, WILL!, ELISE!, NETFLIX!, QWIKSTER!, STREAMING!, CHANGES!, TINO!, MATTIAS!, JULIA PHILIP! CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD JIM AND THEM #210 PART 1 RIGHT HERE! SUBSCRIBE HERE WITH ITUNES SUBSCRIBE HERE WITHOUT ITUNES IF YOU ENJOY JIM AND THEM PLEASE REVIEW US ON ITUNES! SUBSCRIBE ON YOUTUBE REVIEW US ON iTUNES! STOP BY THE FORUMS! Creative? Submit to Jim and Them some fan art or an audio mashup or whatever you want! Send it HERE Jim and Them Holiday Special DVD! BUY IT HERE! Donate To Jim and Them AND UPGRADE US!