Jim and Them #212 Part 1: Romeo And Juliet

Jim and Them show

Summary: Got a smartphone? Well download the Stitcher app and you can stream the newest Jim and Them episodes on the go! CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD JIM AND THEM #212 PART 1 RIGHT HERE! Steve Jobs: Everyone knows, he died and a new iPhone is dropping! Jason Degarmo: Degarmo in studio with tales from the military and his relationships! And Mike Steele betrayal! Halloween Special: IT IS COMING! SUPA HOT FIRE!, NAPS, I TAKE THAT!, DUKETHAKILLA!, HALLOWEEN SPECIAL!, STEVE JOBS!, HALLOWEEN SPECIAL!, ROM COM!, ROMP COM!, GLENGARRY GLEN ROSS!, JASON DEGARMO!, CHANGE THE WORLD!, MACINTOSH!, APPLE!, ARMY!, ROMEO AND JULIET!, TAYLOR SWIFT!, CHAIN OF COMMAND!, SHOWER DRILLS!, DICKS!, DON'T ASK DON'T TELL!, METAL!, MEGADETH! CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD JIM AND THEM #212 PART 1 RIGHT HERE! SUBSCRIBE HERE WITH ITUNES SUBSCRIBE HERE WITHOUT ITUNES IF YOU ENJOY JIM AND THEM PLEASE REVIEW US ON ITUNES! SUBSCRIBE ON YOUTUBE REVIEW US ON iTUNES! STOP BY THE FORUMS! Creative? Submit to Jim and Them some fan art or an audio mashup or whatever you want! Send it HERE Jim and Them Holiday Special DVD! BUY IT HERE! Donate To Jim and Them AND UPGRADE US!