LOTRO Reporter Episode 153 – Treasure Hunters Inc?

LOTRO Reporter Podcast show

Summary: This week Chris and Layanor and joined by Cari as we talk about the Hytbold Dev Diary, treasure hunts, and Harvestmath. Listen now: We also have a great contest this week! Follow the instruction in the widget below to win! a Rafflecopter giveaway News: Hytbold Dev Diary http://www.lotro.com/gameinfo/devdiaries/2438-journal-des-developpeurs-des-cavaliers-du-rohan-bienvenue-a-hytbold/2438-welcome-to-hytbold new solo-able or group endgame experience It focuses on rebuilding a razed Rohirrim village by aiding NPCs in daily quests. As you rebuild you will unlock useful places. Such as crafting stations, Crafting instances, and the new raid gear station. Harvestmath Festival 24 sep - 14 oct - The new mount looks like the treasure event 1000 coin goat No updates to this festival other then new oktoberfest theme items. No turbine point ticket event? http://casualstrolltomordor.com/2012/09/lotro-fall-festival-guide-2012/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+cstmfeed+%28A+Casual+Stroll+to+Mordor+Blog%29 Did you know Instance finder skirmish bonus Hold the control key and hit J. Go into the Advanced tab.. This will help you fill in some spots when you are looking for more players in instances and raids. We all know most players do not use this but you still can make it useful for yourself. Click skirmish and put the number of players to one or however many friends are going to join you. Then start checking off skirmishes. The more you check off, the more bonus you get. Adding one skirm = 10% on all currencies Adding 4 = 15% Adding 7 = 20% Adding 11 = 33% Adding 14 = 50% with a +5% to morale and power 14 is the max for added bonus You can go up to 18 skirms but the bonus stops at 14. So it is better to go up to 14 and leave out a lot of the harder or slower skirms. Community Why the Treasure Hunt sucks Forums agree? http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.php?479617-Please-Increase-Spawns-of-Berry-Bushes-and-Block-Forced-Emotes-from-Treasure-Area! http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.php?479973-Treasure-Hunt-Griefing-by-Turbine! The Road to Mordor - Reset Sucks (I am bored of LOTRO in 300 words or less article?) http://massively.joystiq.com/2012/09/22/the-road-to-mordor-the-reset-scenario/ If your account was erased. Would you do it all again? What class, race, crafting would you pick? He does not know if he would restart if he had to. CSTM Fellowship Walk for Childs Play http://casualstrolltomordor.com/2012/09/childsplay2012/ New this year auctions http://casualstrolltomordor.com/auctions/ Fellowship Walk Song: http://casualstrolltomordor.com/2012/09/the-fellowship-walk-song/ http://youtu.be/yIJHym18WxM Contact info email: lotro.reporter@gmail.com twitter: @lotroreporter facebook: LOTRO Reporter Voicemail: 616-666-6778 youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/mmoreporternetwork www.lotroreporter.com Cari Twitter: @thecarimac Layanor Twitter: @Layanor