Dion Almaer, Ben Galbraith, Elaine Wherry, Thomas Sha, Joe Hewitt, Ryan Dahl, Tantek Çelik, and Douglas Crockford/YUIConf 2010 Panel Discussion: The Future of Frontend Engineering

YUI Theater show

Summary: Moderated by Dion Almaer and Ben Galbraith, this distinguished panel explored the near future of the discipline at at a time of great change. Panelists included Elaine Wherry, founder and frontend architect at Meebo; Douglas Crockford, JavaScript architect at Yahoo!; Tantek Çelik, technologist and author; Ryan Dahl, creator of Node.js; Joe Hewitt of Facebook, creator of Firebug and one of the most downloaded mobile applications of all time (Facebook for iOS); Thomas Sha, YUI founder at Yahoo!.