Horde of Notions #51 – Return of the Stone Stick

MTGCast show

Summary: He's baaaaaaaack! Writer, podcaster, commentator, community stalwart and now self-help guru Michael J Flores joins us for a second time, and if it's even possible this outing might be even better than his legendary appearance on the still-popular episode 11. Topics discussed with The Sensei include:Coffee Magic coverage Story Time with Mike And of course Return to Ravnica spoilers. For the spoilers the hosts each picked four cards to discuss with Mike:Travis:  Fencing Ace, Deathrite Shaman, Jace Architect of Thought, Armada Wurm Adena:  Corpsejack Menace, Rest in Peace, Necropolis Regent, Guttersnipe Lansdurdle: Vraska the Unseen, Desecration Demon, Pack Rat, Cyclonic Rift William : Abrupt Decay, Nivmagus Elemental, Slitherhead, Azor’s Elocutors Moment of Geekery - Adena:  http://www.tshirtroundup.com/ Travis: http://www.thisiswhyimbroke.com/ Your Host(s): Chris, Will, Travis, and Adena Show’s Email: hosts@hordeofnotions.com Show's Twitter: @hordecast Chris's Twitter: @lansdellicious Adena's Twitter: @prsgrrl Will's Twitter: @nodnolb Travis’s Twitter: @travishall456 Show's website: http://www.hordeofnotions.com/