East West Draft Cast #63 – Tasty Ravnica Rage Muffins

MTGCast show

Summary: In this episode, Greg & Jeff welcome Spencer Harris back to the podcast to talk about Return to Ravnica.  They start with a Pick-A-Card list and move on to a more general discussion about the upcoming limited format, featuring an analytic spreadsheet breaking down different metrics in the set.  What does each guild's mana curve look like?  Which guilds appear to pair up the best?  Which is the most powerful Keyrune?  Tune in to find out the answers to these questions and more. You can find the spreadsheet here:  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AtZIckMJb39WdEdhMlVqMWlfUlk4THZSeEdmcThsSXc Intro music –> The Pixies – Debaser Outro music –> Torche – Healer Your Host(s): Jeff MacDonald and Greg Show's Email: eastwestdraftcast@gmail.com Show’s Website: http://eastwestdraftcast.com Show's Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/EWDraftCast Show's Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ewdraftcast Show's YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/ewdraftcast