184. Barely SNOWPOCOLYPSE 2011 (Video) – Voice Mail (206) 984-3675

Barely Podcasting show

Summary: Well it is time for another video and it is for SNOWPOCOLYPSE 2011!! I hope you enjoy it! Thanks for downloading! Important Links Website: BarelyPodcasting.com eMail: Barely@BarelyPodcasting.com Voicemail: (206) 984-3675 iPhone/iPod Touch App: http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewSoftware?id=364615032&mt=8 Android App: http://www.appbrain.com/app/the-barely-podcasting-app/tv.wizzard.android.barelypodcasting143 My other show is Barbie Luv Barely. Check it out and subscribe.