HITM for 08-16-2012 – Eventing The Getting Back to Normal Edition

Horses in the Morning show

Summary: RECORDED THURSDAY: John Kyle returns to co-host with Samantha and shares his experience of being a part of the Olympic Games. We also catch up with US team member Boyd Martin who's back in the States to find out how his London horse Otis is, and what his plans for the future are. Doug Payne joins us to explain syndication - not only is Doug an elite level event rider, he's also a USEF Dressage Judge, a Technical Delegate, has show-jumped up to Grand Prix level and originally planned on being a forensic engineer in the New Jersey State Police Force; now he keeps himself busy with fifteen or so horses, and a nice sideline in technical wizardry! Lainey Ashker is our Short Format guest talking about how to get the most out of a dressage clinic. Listen in...