PK #27 – Popcast: The Incomparable Kamran Popkin

PromoKitchen show

Summary: Seth Godin once wrote that "Small is the new big only when the person running the small thinks big". Kamran Popkin is a big thinker. Sightly irreverent, with a bold humor and a disruptive business model, Kamran is refreshingly direct with us about how many people in our industry are doing it completely wrong and, most importantly, introduces us to a better way to build a stronger tribe and a lasting business. (This is a PG-13 episode: you've been warned). Fasten your seat belts promofriends, this is one rambunctious ride! The PK Podcast is a weekly conversation featuring guest suppliers, distributors and service providers discussing opportunities, challenges and insights into the promotional products business. The purpose of the podcast is to to bring the conversation we are already having at shows and restaurants to a public forum where we can all listen and learn. As a continued commitment to mentor those new in the industry, the podcast will feature a broad spectrum of topics. If you wish to participate in the podcast, please read our editorial guidelines then fill out our form and we’ll be in touch!