Training Toddlers | Part 3

Parenting On Purpose show

Summary: Purposeful Training Yesterday we discussed “remembering your purpose”, when parenting toddlers we need to take that a step further. After establishing our purpose, we need to filter all of our training through it. This may seem like an insurmountable task but actually may help simplify the parenting process. Our purpose for parenting is to raise a Godly child who is marriageable and employable. So if we start with that end in mind it may help us to filter what may be just a parental preference, something that was a rule when the parent was a child and things that will help to accomplish our goal for parenting. There are obvious rules that we must instill like the meaning of “no” and things like not hitting. There are rules that seem to be gray areas like manners or running in the house. Now obviously manners and learning self control are very important for the future but we also must process our expectations for a young child. Take the time to filter your training through the ultimate parenting goals. Also take the time to have a staff meeting with your spouse to make sure you are on the same page, as well as talking through your expectations for your toddler to make sure they are age appropriate. Listen to today’s podcast for more insight on the topic of toddlers.