IP#173 Gregory Erlandson – Our Sunday Visitor and the Year of Faith on Inside the Pages

Discerning Hearts show

Summary: What a delight to have the chance once again to talk with Gregory Erlandson, president and publisher of  Our Sunday Visitor (http://www.discerninghearts.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Gregory-Erlandson-2.jpg)Publishing, one of the finest resources out there for nurturing our faith.   Greg has that wonderful "eagle-eye"  view of not only all things Catholic, but of the world as a whole and he uses it to help see how we can fit into our society and culture as faithful believers. It was great to discuss not only current events affecting the Church today, but also the greater need for interior renewal which is the true "fuel" for the New Evangelization.  Faith is ultimately about a relationship with God.  He warns us that being lukewarm in our faith can be deadly for the Church.  That we can  become such weak witnesses that we bear only the name Catholic, which unfortunately can cause disillusionment or even scandal in the hearts and minds of those around us.   Therefore, the New Evangelization needs to begin with each of us personally.  When that renewal happens, we will then be a Church that can authentically and vibrantly witness our  life-giving  faith to world badly in need of the Gospel message. Our Sunday Visitor has so many fantastic resources to nurture that relationship, whether your at home with the kids or working out in the world, a catechist/DRE or a pastor trying to reach out to your families through the internet, OSV can add in that "connection". (http://www.discerninghearts.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/osv-300x211.jpg) Click here to find out more on their website osv.com (http://www.osv.com)