Libertarian Girls - Jul 16,2011

Let Me Strive to Never Be Defined show

Summary: Sorry, episode is actually not about the title, but if I change the name the link will not sorry! Its mor elike Part 1 of a girl rambling (no one called in!) I talk abou Women of the past a bit and ways we raise boys and girls almsot the same these days, And random stuff. A little TJ in it. Will do Libertarian Girls episoce soon. libertarian women FREE THINKING WOMEN WHO WILL GET DR. RON PAUL ELECTED AND MUCH MORE! My mission is bringing more women into the Libertarian Movement/ Ron Paul REvolution. I was never taught anything aboiut freedom or liberty and I want to tell the younger girls the things that I wish I had known. Sign Up for Libertarian Women We are out there somewhere.....