Don't Think So Much. Don't Look So Serious - Jul 26,2011

Let Me Strive to Never Be Defined show

Summary: OK this episode is different. I TRY to read my own writing. If you have patience it will make sense a bit. But I will redo some parts. I took no calls and was half asleep. Played some great clip though. Its basically.... Oh an I said a few bad words, please excuse me. No kids listen. When someone says, "Don't think so much," how does one do that? To me that is like telling a fish not to swim so much or an artist not to draw so much. Or a writer not to write so much. I know there are many ways that other people try not to think so much. They try to distract themselves with movies, TV, music, shopping, sports, religion, drugs, alcohol, studying, etc. But I don't spend much time on any of those. So I guess I will continue thinking and looking serious when I think about things that are important to me.