First of the Month - Let's Get Serious! - Aug 01,2011

Let Me Strive to Never Be Defined show

Summary: OK anyione that watches the show, knows I have to play my song before we start. It's such a Libertatian Song, by Bone Thugs! So, every once in a while it is fun to debate back and forth over election level issues. But I forgot the real reason I first started this show was to spread information and hopefully find truth. I'm going to be talking about some things that will heat up a debate. First hour though is pure info. Then (with your sources in hand) call in to..... To what? Prove that I am wrong? Right. No, Call in to prove that they are wrong (the ones amking the statements) Hell, I hope you do prove (me, us, 5%) wrong. Someone has to spread the credible info and hopefully be seen as a credible source, with no agenda. Why would I care to talk about these things? I'll it ma do is piss people off and maybe get the government to wiretape my phone more often or instal a webcam. I'm just a girl who for some reason never cared about the truth, got hit over the head with it, and now feels need to spread it. So sue me. BTW, I am a Christian. All I know is I have a personal relationship eith God & that is never going to change Throwing that out there! I hope to describe and share these stories (some called "conspiracies") in a new way. For the ADD generation) that is if Big Episode (if I get my review of my past research in before this time) Id so rather be at a Mavs game or party somewhere. I really miss being unconsciously drunk a few times a week. But somehow the world got more real, things in it became so false, and all I can do is find the truth for EVERYTHING. I have no agenda. If we ever discovered the ultimate truth (not possibly I imagne) I will be the first one to order 5 rounds of shots for everybody. Well, maybe not everybody !LoL :) kinda kidding/kinda not. Deliberate Dumbing Down of America