Proud of Texas, Ashamed of Rick Perry - Aug 18,2011

Let Me Strive to Never Be Defined show

Summary: Rated A (because it's short!) Remember Texas, We have a choice 2 be seen as moral or not to country. Make up for Bush years, we won't with Perry. I like the guy, nice hair and all. Good to see him in Dallas around. But please look on alternative media for info this time. God Blessed Texas was my favorite song growing up. Soon I'll see if that will be true or not. How about this: Remember the Alamo! does that get ya motivated? Whatever works Will be a chill episode. I am in control and a Libertarian woman never lets other people get to her and keeps on going. OK, the under 30 (or 40ish) crowd can bring it home just with our votes. We were on facebook when they laughed at us "kids on On-Line" Who's laughing now? First to join people (back in 03) check your settings, u can do more with pages and events and stuff) The GOP hates us so much. Ron will Win, start getting used to it (except i don't know what real freedom will feel like until that day!) Obama never had the youth vote, we do. Link up.