It's Still Up In The Air... - Dec 03,2011

Let Me Strive to Never Be Defined show

Summary: It will have something to do with politics at some point. Going out with my girlfriends I haven't seen in months tonight. Dinner at 7pm and I'll be lucky if they make it to 11PM, muchless midnight (my how things change in just 3 years!) So I should be back for the show and thank goodness cause I'll be holding in my opinions all night (because they are not awake at all & hate when I mention anything "political") It will be a long night. Basically we are eating getting a senior discount I think for eating this early in Dallas. How embarassing. Usually I can convince one to stay out a little later than the rest, but now with husbands and kids at home I can't blame them for wanting to go home early. I'm a grouch already. Maybe we can discuss how hard it is when family and friends around you don't know the truth or care for you to share it. They would vote for Perry if I didn't make them sware to vote Ron Paul for my Free thinkers are so much fun, I imagine, to hang out with? I'm the one that changed not them, so it's really my problem only. Thank goodness vodka makes everything OK for me. I won't pass out my litle Ron Paul fliers from Shop4Liberty... ? Or will I. That would embarass them to death. LOL :) See ya. So it's a Brooke hosting night not ron, so if I mess up you can't blame Paul Paul Girl! Libertarianism: It's a simple idea, but it's also the linchpin of a complex system of values and practices: justice, prosperity, responsibility, toleration, cooperation, and peace. Many people believe that liberty is the core political value of modern civilization itself, the one that gives substance and form to all the other values of social life. THEY'RE CALLED LIBERTARIANS! Go look at the new shirts I made and tell me if they ALL suck or just a few, please... (click on products tab)