I'm so in a Ron Paul Mood This Week - Dec 07,2011

Let Me Strive to Never Be Defined show

Summary: Sure, maybe that's kinda always true, but more so today. Call me a nerd if you want! I can't hide it... I'm just so gosh darn proud of the guy! He just restores my faith in humanity, that's what it is... everytime he speaks. I never would of believed you (and neither would anyone that knew me) if you told me in college that I'd care at all about politics in 5 years. But it's not politics, like I always repeat, it's principles. Maybe a girl in her twenties (yes, technically,29) "should have other things on her mind" besides the future of the country. And I'm not saying I don't think about other stuff like boys and clothes too. But it's the 76 year old man named Ron Paul, that makes the future seem a little less scary to me and maybe my (future) children. Thanks Dr. Paul and Carol too :) Kicking ass and Taking Names AGAIN today in Iowa! Money being spent int the right places by the campaign, props to them! Poor Newt... Ron Paul goes on air in Iowa against Gingrich By Rachel Weiner, Tuesday, December 6, 11:35 AM Texas Rep. Ron Paul is now on the air in Iowa with television ads attacking former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, making him the first candidate to go negative against the frontrunner in the Hawkeye State. With former Massachusetts governoer Mitt Romney still struggling to decide how hard to push in Iowa, Paul is clearly positioning himself as Gingrich's chief rival in the state. A brutal two-minute web video, which the Paul campaign debuted last week, that depicts Gingrich as a flip-flopper and hypocrite has been cut down to a one-minute television ad.