Just Having Some Fun - Dec 14,2011

Let Me Strive to Never Be Defined show

Summary: This is a really random episode, but it has a bit of everything. It was supposed to be 30 minutes. But I love to talk! It's a libertarian show so anything goes! I did end up missing my flight that moring, so the sabotage worked.. "Me time" always involves a little Ron Paul too. I shouldn't be doing an episode tonight. I have a flight at 7 am to go do this docmentary about the "u know what", and it's kinda taking me back... cause they want me to bring all my pictures and journals ets. Music is like the best timeline marker guide for parts of my life. I guess it is for everyone. I figure I'm already playing music tonight while packing, I might as well let others hear. Maybe they like the same stuff. If not, oh well. RON PAUL IOWA AWESOME. Here I am wasting time and have to pack. II'll tell you about it, if you want. But mostly Im just gonna play some music I found and maybe say hi in the chat room. I still have no shoes to wear! Nothing is packed or put together! I guess it's kind of more emotionally streinious than I thought it would be this gig in Houston. So sit down and shut up tonight and grab a beer or some bitchy drink w/ umbrella and just listen. If I never show up, be happy for me cause I might have fallen asleep! Basically I don't know much, but I got 3 Ron Paul converts today (in person) So you all know how I'm kinda a big deal already... but being on TV for this documentary may skyrocket me to fame fast. Don't worry though I'll not forget my little trolls on my journey to seek approval from brainwashed people! JK. Can you tell I am tired and loopy. Went 2 tan today & burnt my bum & my face looks like a fat kid's does after a relay race (or something) I am sellling out my libertarian roots and swore I'd never submit to a body scanner or blue gloves! I hate flying! I love Ron Paul. If he can do it everyday, I can do it at least once.