001 Let’s Get This Party Started

Let's Reverse Obesity with John Bukenas show

Summary: Hello everyone and welcome to Let's Reverse Obesity the  Show about my journey and the journey of others on reversing obesity. I have been battling my weight my whole life.  Kinda like the song. I fought the fat and the fat won! Together as a community we can use every tool at our disposal to keep focused on our goal. Tools? What tools?  Well lets start with the internet, social media. We can use Twitter, Google+ and Facebook. There are fantastic Apps - My Fitness Pal, Lose it, Runkeeper If you are not on My Fitness Pal.com or Lose it.com right now you need to do that today!  It tracks your food intake, and your exercise.  There are groups for every type of person and amount of weight you need to lose. Dr. Mike Evans Video - 23 1/2 Hours Call me at 856-472-9833 or email me at john@letsreverseobesity.com Let’s come together here and motivate each other. Well that’s today’s show, hope you enjoyed it, if so please go to iTunes and subscribe to this podcast.  And if you could, take some time and please fill out a review on itunes. Goodbye everyone and have a great and healthy week!