Episode 36: Kickstart my heart (or don't)

Stuff Smart People Like show

Summary: In this episode, the society of smarts tackles crowd-funding. Specifically, Kickstarter’s recent decision to protect “backers’” investments by requiring more planning and disclosure of “risks and challenges” by those seeking funds. Dean comes down hard against backing someone’s “Good time.” Ben raw-dogs the smart suggestion segment (as he does many things it seems). Jordan once again suggests an artist no one has ever heard of in a feeble attempt to up his indie cred. Finally, Ed tries to revert to a zen lifestyle but his calm is broken by a surprise guest appearance from his cat - “Captain Pancakes.”  Download the .mp3 Smart Suggestions Ben: Distrust that Particular Flavor | Disneyland with the Death Penalty Ed: zen habits (A Primer on Full-Screen Living) | Q10 | Instapaper Jordan: Two Door Cinema Club - “Beacon” | Jordan’s 2012 spotify playlist Dean: Ben Folds Five and Fraggle Rock | “Call me maybe” choir version Main Segment: Kickstarter Kickstarter changes submission rules Whom you love: The biology of sexual orientation [relaunch] This is a podcast post: click here to download the MP3 audio, click here to subscribe via iTunes, click here to visit our blog, and click here to show us some love. Have feedback or suggestions? Then click here (your mouse must be getting tired).