Training Toddlers | Part 2

Parenting On Purpose show

Summary: Keep Focused on the Purpose When in the “toddler trenches” it is important that we focus on our purpose. You may ask yourself, why am I doing this? Why am I fighting this battle day in and day out, it is exhausting? Keep in front of you the purpose for parenting. The goal is to raise a Godly child who is both marriageable and employable. It also helps to keep in perspective that God has allowed us the privilege of training the children He has given us and we will be accountable to Him for that training. He does encourage us with a promise in Proverbs 22:6. “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.” Training takes consistency, patience and intentionality. Remember that this period of “parenting bootcamp” is brief but how we handle it will impact the ease of our parenting in the future. Choose to be consistent and let your no mean no. Listen to today’s podcast for more insight on toddlers.